Tag Archives: xgames

Backyard Sessions 12 – Chad DeGroot

We are in the backyard again for our 12th session as John and Rocky are joined with another amazing special guest, BMX professional and shop owner Chad DeGroot! In segment one, he talks about some of his travels over the years as well as some of his projects he has worked on. Chad tells us some memorable stories of his past, and we also have some innocent conversation about TV and what some of the best days of his life have been.

In segment two, Chad messes with Rocky! Chad told John he was going to troll Rocky, so, he starts acting confused and misunderstands everything Rocky is saying on purpose. Also, there were extremely hot chicken wings as the food on this one (so there may be some choking). We can not thank the BMX professional enough for stopping by and chatting with us. Sit back and enjoy an hour of the class act, Chad DeGroot!