Tag Archives: weather

123. Pho Your Elderberries / Secret Show Spew Part 2

John and Coleman get back at it. Coleman’s feeling super ill, but that didn’t stop him from doing the show! The guys go through suggestions from listeners and friends of the show on how to cure a headache and fever most efficiently. Also, they both went to The News Junkie Secret Show 150 party, and it was crazy. Did John really throw up again? They also talk about musicians and how they can be divas, but also how some will call fans up on stage to play with them.

For “Did Ya Hear?”, discussions included the McGregor and Cowboy fight, Super Bowl 54, a hoverboarding dentist, the drama within the Royal Family, and more! Go over to Patreon.com/FTI for bonus shows with even more debauchery. We hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy chatting, laugh with us or at us, and tip your pizza maker!

119. All the News and All the Jokes

John and Coleman are recording outside at a lake. Joined by Rocky from @whatsthefusspodcast , the guys run through all the recent news stories. They talk about some silly stuff in the beginning, and eventually get into some heavier topics.

Discussions included the amazing Florida weather, Christmas movies, Greta Thunberg being awarded Person of the Year by Time Magazine, everyone’s outrage with Mike Vick, the UPS driver that was killed, and much more. Thanks to Rocky for coming on and hanging out! We hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy chatting, laugh with us or at us, and tip your pizza maker!

Diggis 2 – End of June & Early July by John Solo

Briefly mentioned in this Diggi – Protester climbs Statue of Liberty ; Heatwave in Canada ; World Cup soccer ; Toy Story Land opens ; Tropical storm forming in Atlantic Ocean


Thanks for listening! facebook.com/funnytoinforming , instagram.com/funnytoinforming , funnytoinforming@gmail.com