Tag Archives: tv

102. FTI Live 2 – Pity Party: Birthdays & BOO 2019

John and Coleman do their second live show! A big discussion was parties, being that they attended a few birthday parties, as well as the “Best Of Orlando” party. The scoop on the group for the week included old and new TV shows.

For “Did Ya Hear?”, the topics were things such as the NFL season soon starting, the new Popeye’s Chicken sandwich, sweat sensors, and more. We hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy chatting, laugh with us or at us, and tip your pizza maker!

75. Experiencing Big Brother with JC from BB20!

Today is a special episode. It is episode 75, and with a very special guest – JC from Big Brother 20! He played a solid game and finished in the top 3 this year. John and Coleman get to pick his brain about his personal experience, about the gameplay, and some of how it is behind the scenes. We get to learn a bit about what life is like now for JC after having millions of people watch him and everything he does. This interview was a blast – we shared a number of laughs, and we can not thank JC enough for coming on the PodPatio.

In the beginning, we briefly touch on why there was no episode last week as we were going through a difficult time. Also discussing the results of The News Junkie’s Bike Drive that Coleman was assisting with. We hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy chatting, Coleman is hammered and he loves you – LAUGH WITH US OR AT US!