Tag Archives: sunburn

91. We Just Don’t Get It

John and Coleman find themselves saying the phrases “I don’t get it” or “I don’t understand” a lot in this one. John’s luck has been turning around, the sun has been burning him, and his phone is getting crappier. Coleman made his signature pizza “The Piesenberg” for the KitchenKillaz Monday wrap-up show. They also discuss the Orlando Weekly voting, and encourage you to nominate/vote. Also, Happy late Mother’s Day!

During “Did Ya Hear?” is where John and Coleman’s confusion peaks. Between a guy getting arrested for a silly bumper sticker, to an airplane pilot getting busted at the airport for a triple homicide from 4 years ago. We just don’t understand or get it! People are crazy, and there’s just no stopping that. John and Coleman discuss a number of other things so make sure to listen, and then share, rate, and review. We would love your vote for “Best Local Podcast” under ‘Local Color’ at www.OrlandoWeekly.com . Either way, we hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy chatting, you can laugh with us or at us, tip your pizza maker, and try to find a bar that serves food not a restaurant that serves beer!