Tag Archives: romainelettuce

61. Guest Ry Perry of “What’s the Fuss?” / Coleman Hates Jews

For episode 61, it is just John and guest Ry from “What’s the Fuss?” Podcast. We discuss how Ry dove head first into the podcast scene and the emotions/pressure that came along with it. Also, Ry has a new show coming out politically based called DNA (Disclaimers Not Apologies), he tells us about it and samples a bit for us. Ry also opens up about the connotation of being “Ry the Bi Guy” ; And of course, we talk about our common interest of each doing a show with the charismatic Rocky Socha.

Changing gears, we cover a bit of news doing “Did Ya Hear?” – discussing briefly about the NBA playoffs, the dangers of Romaine Lettuce, Cockroach Milk, Roseanne being a dummy, and much more!

This episode was extremely interesting and I can not thank Ry enough for coming on, and thank you to all the listeners and supporters for downloading and sharing the show! – LAUGH WITH US OR AT US!!