Tag Archives: relaxing

Backyard Sessions 7 – Ry Perry

John and Rocky start late in this one doing the whole show during sundown when it was pitch black, and with no breaks! They have on as a guest designer/podcaster/good-guy Ry Perry from “Disclaimers Not Apologies” and “What’s the Fuss?” Podcasts. His DNA podcast group page has swirled a lot of conversation lately, so naturally we discussed things such as the difficulty of moderating, accomplishing resolution and the point of revolution; and most importantly the main intentions behind the new political-based show.

There were a lot of laughs shared in this one, discussing things like how much emo is too emo, Al Sharpton struggling to spell, what we thought “wet-start” meant at first, and a butt load more! – John’s co-host Coleman, and Ry’s other-half pop on the show for a second to say hi! We hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy chatting, and LAUGH WITH US OR AT US! & Staye Wheird

John – Facebook.com/funnytoinforming , instagram.com/funnytoinforming – funnytoinforming@gmail.com

Rocky Socha – Facebook.com/whatsthefusspodcast , His name’s unique

Ry Perry – instagram @rythedesigner , Google “Disclaimers Not Apologies”