Tag Archives: philly

214. Risking Life with Shower Thoughts

John and Coleman are smooth sailing for the rest of the year! Starting this episode, the guys are going to be traveling and having interesting life experiences between every show until the end of the year. They even discuss what some of the biggest risks in life are among other things because Coleman had a handful of “shower thoughts” that he presented this week.

For news, the most obvious is the passing of Queen Elizabeth II at 96 years old, and one of her guards fainted while on duty. Also, Cardi B got sentenced for a 2018 scuffle, there was a crazy row-boating incident, SNL has a few new cast members, more YouTubers are boxing fighters, Tom Brady is in trouble with the wifey, and a bunch more! We hope that you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy chatting, laugh with us or at us, and tip your queen killers!

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160.1 – Take Two, The Update

John and Coleman are mad about last week, but glad to be back! The guys explain how their Thanksgiving breaks were, while also justifying what happened last week on why there was no show. Also, since there was no episode, they both run through some of the stories from the past seven days that they missed. No “Tuddle’s Ten” again, but we promise Tuddle will be back with us soon.

For “Did Ya Hear?”, John talks about the Tyson and Roy Jones Jr. fight, as well as a teenager getting shot over loud music, and a man saved from his sinking boat out off the coast of Florida. Coleman discusses these monoliths popping up around the world, but also Ice-T being harsh towards his own family, and a robber/suspect getting shot dead in a restaurant. We are very sorry about last week, and we hope it doesn’t happen again. We plan on having some great guests on soon, and it’s going to be a lot of fun. Stay tuned, sit tight, and buckle up! We hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy chatting, you can laugh with us or at us, and tip your episode losers!

For merch – thedecaljunkie.com (click our logo) , to support – patreon.com/fti , for photos – instagram.com/funnytoinforming