Tag Archives: canada

182. Philately my Numismatist

John and Coleman are feeling great! The guys talk about successfully getting newer cars, and Coleman even saw a fight at the tax collection office. They also discuss how John wiped out on an electric scooter, twice! Also, they do a newer segment trying some more weird beers, and of course a funny audio clip or two from TikTok!

For news, topics included a few stories of crazy anti-vaxxers from Tennessee, some rough stories out of Texas, a crazy circumstance in Canada, and a lot more! DMX has a new album out despite his death, 2 people crash a plane near a Utah ski resort, and potentially a covid hybrid spreading in Vietnam? Plus, plenty of other side conversations in between everything! We hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy chatting, you can laugh with us or at us, and tip your debaucherous downtown DMV debaters!

For merch – thedecaljunkie.com (click our logo) , to support – patreon.com/fti , for photos – instagram.com/funnytoinforming

137. Masks Off, Music Mashups, and More

John and Coleman have so much to discuss! The guys talk about another trending documentary, John plays “Beer Ball” after going to his brother’s birthday party, Coleman has been falling in love with mashup music, and Tuddle sends us ten minutes on prostitution! (find his show “Tuddle Daily Podcast” on your favorite podcast player, and follow him on youtube, Twitter, Instagram all as @Tuddle). Coleman was coming in hot with the jokes and John is extra giggly.

For “Did Ya Hear?”, there were a lot of stories that the guys touched on. Conversations included sex dolls at soccer games, UFC 248, an earthquake in Nevada, unfortunate stories from Canada, a warehouse explosion in LA, and a lot more! We hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy chatting, laugh with us or at us, and tip your prostitute buyers!

For Merch – thedecaljunkie.com

For us – instagram.com/funnytoinforming , facebook.com/funnytoinforming , patreon.com/fti

132. Ivanhoe? No Erica the Hoe!

John and Coleman podcast from the park! It was interesting to say the least. The guys were interrupted by a crazy domestic despute, as well as trains and police sirens. Aside the couple fighting, other discussions included various fires, the big spike in the usage of the Zoom app, online Cards Against Humanity, and much more! Coleman also brings “Pizza’s Pick” and a documentary for his new segment “What’s Up Doc?”. Oh, and they talk about their new Tik Tok account. Follow at TikTok.com/funnytoinforming

for “Did Ya Hear?”, conversations included Tekashi 69 getting released from prison, Zoom facing a class action lawsuit, animals in zoos and aquariums meeting each other, a lot of rain in California, and more. We hope you are staying safe and enjoy listening as much as we enjoy chatting, you can laugh with us or at us, and tip your corona survivors. Visit thedecaljunkie.com to find some of our merchandise such as socks, hats, shirts, and more!

Diggis 2 – End of June & Early July by John Solo

Briefly mentioned in this Diggi – Protester climbs Statue of Liberty ; Heatwave in Canada ; World Cup soccer ; Toy Story Land opens ; Tropical storm forming in Atlantic Ocean


Thanks for listening! facebook.com/funnytoinforming , instagram.com/funnytoinforming , funnytoinforming@gmail.com