Tag Archives: bahamas

104. FTI Live 4 – Koko Kickoff / Bye Week Blitz

John and Coleman have their first guest on the new live show. They’re joined by Koko, who will be joining the show once a month to give us sports knowledge and updates. This week it is all about the NFL kicking off and predictions on how the season will turn out. Before that, discussions include Hurricane Dorian, post Labor Day, Coleman’s TV cameo, and more. Go to redcross.org to donate to the victims of the Hurricane and to the Bahamas.

For “Did Ya Hear?” the gang talks about the Amazon forest burning in record numbers, a man from New Jersey scamming people out of millions, and other interesting bits of news! We hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy chatting, laugh with us or at us, and tip your pizza maker!