Tag Archives: afghanistan

192. Coldcalling Catfish, Crate Challenge, & Comedy Cringe

John and Coleman need to discuss so much! The guys go through a range of topics including the Orlando Weekly “Best of” results, meetup information, details of their gag reflexes, Coleman texting a catfisher, a really awkward comedy night, and they even try a few unique beers throughout! Also, John ruins his girlfriend’s dessert and both of them assess this new crate challenge craze.

For news, there was an update with everything happening in Afghanistan, as well as a teen going missing, a child actor is found dead, Usain Bolt versus Tyreek Hill, information on the Kennedy family, the 30th anniversary for music albums, and so so much more! We hope that you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy chatting, laugh with us or at us, and tip your catfish caller outers!

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191. Earth Shaking and Regime Escaping

John and Coleman are back at The Commission Beer Chamber! The guys reveal details of meetups that will be happening in the beginning of September, they discuss their week hanging out with each other, and play a hilarious TikTok audio. Also, a dog choked on mic, mosquitos ate John, and when your parents made you.

For news, it is primarily some heavier stuff with everything happening to Haiti and all the things going on in Afghanistan. Other topics include Alyssa Milano saving a life, Bob Dylan accusations, the Tali-banned from the gym, and a lot more! We hope that you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy chatting, you can laugh with us or at us, and tip your swimming simpletons!