182. Philately my Numismatist

John and Coleman are feeling great! The guys talk about successfully getting newer cars, and Coleman even saw a fight at the tax collection office. They also discuss how John wiped out on an electric scooter, twice! Also, they do a newer segment trying some more weird beers, and of course a funny audio clip or two from TikTok!

For news, topics included a few stories of crazy anti-vaxxers from Tennessee, some rough stories out of Texas, a crazy circumstance in Canada, and a lot more! DMX has a new album out despite his death, 2 people crash a plane near a Utah ski resort, and potentially a covid hybrid spreading in Vietnam? Plus, plenty of other side conversations in between everything! We hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy chatting, you can laugh with us or at us, and tip your debaucherous downtown DMV debaters!

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